Claudia black

Claudia Claudia 2 Teryl Teryl 2 HowShe was in the news for her role as a guest star on "Good Guys Bad Guys" was noted for her character as a hermaphrodite guest starring in "Good Guys, Bad Guys," the crime-drama with an interesting twist. She appeared as a passenger on a distant planet an element of the film of 2000 "Pitch Black" She was also contacted to take part in auditions for another sci-fi film being made in Australia. The casting agent thought Black was the perfect actress for the job, in spite of being aware that producers wanted to hire an American actress. Black auditioned in Sydney and was selected for the role of Aeryn sun in "Farscape." She portrayed the strength and toughness of her character but also developed a very intimate sexual relationship with her co-star Ben Browder (as human astronaut John Crichton). Aeryn began to become a fascinating and accessible character. Black gained legions fans. After the conclusion of that show, Black appeared on two seasons of "Stargate SG-1" as Vala Mal Doran. She then continued to expand her voiceovers in films, television and games on video. After a number of repeat roles on "The Originals", Black made her comeback to TV with the psychological thriller "Containment". She was a stunning brunette who could project both strength and an sultry appearance, Australian actress Claudia Black earned acclaim for her portrayal of Aeryn, a commando-pilot trained to manage her emotions in Farscape (Sci-Fi Channel, 1999-2003). She was born in Sydney and won"The Globe Shakespeare" Globe Shakespeare 1990 competition, as well as toured Europe together with Portia on the show as "The Merchant of Venice."


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